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Website building Web design SEO Video in Campbell Los Gatos Saratoga CA

Web Design Youtube Video Building & SEO in San Francisco CA USA
Website building Web design SEO Video in Campbell Los Gatos Saratoga CA


Youtube Video SEO

First, you need to make an excellent short video (length is around 2-3min), probably you will put business related photos, videos, then engage with happy, brisk, bright song or music.

Second, posting your video with proper title like this way:  your main keywords + city name, state

Third, in Youtube description, you will put same title name first, and your website URL address  and 10-20 related keywords list from Google keywords planner
In tag section, put comma between all words for example:

Website Web design building SEO in San Rafael Mill Valley Sausalito CA

after posting your Youtube video, you need SEO for that Video links,
we have 100 blog sites and we can make your Youtube Video promotion with targeted keywords
Please call us 510-684-7207, [email protected] ,

Youtube Video Web Design building & SEO in San Francisco CA USA | Youtube Video SEO | How to promote your business in Youtube video?

Nothern California Silicon Valley City Name with targeted keywords.




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